Guest Golf Cart Rental Terms:
Rental Fee (plus security deposit) to be paid in advance (no later than day of arrival)
Must be paid via Venmo. Please allow 24-hours for confirmation and instructions.
Requires a $50 REFUNDABLE Security Deposit
Renter is responsible for any damage to golf cart that exceeds security deposit
Renter is responsible for returning the cart to the storage location, locking it up when not in use and for ‘recharging’ batteries (allow 4-6 hrs. between uses)
Renter is responsible for returning cart key to original location prior to departure
Owner is not responsible, nor liable for any personal injury nor property damage that may result from Renter’s use of the golf cart – Renter assumes full responsibility of any resultant damages to self, passengers, all properties or any others.
Weekends: Rental Includes up to 3 Days​
Weekly: Rental Includes up to 8 Days
Monthly: Rental Includes up to 28 Days
Process (Easy as 1,2,3):
1. Fill Out Golf Cart Rental Form.
2. Venmo (Rental Fee plus $50 Depost) to QR Code Below.
2. Receive Lock Combination and Cart Key Location via email confirmation (Prior to Stay)
3. Receive deposit refund via Venmo (Within 3 Days of Departure).
Note: If any questions regarding lock combination, cart key location, or anything related to rental of the Cart – please reach out directly to Brent at 425.273-6851 (text or VM).